Gem Apraisals

Accredited Jewelry Appraiser

Teri Brossmer

As an independent professional jewelry appraiser and graduate gemologist, Teri Brossmer has earned many outstanding credentials over the last 30 years in business. These include:

To serve her clients best, she maintains continuing education through professional conferences and hands-on courses, including:

USPAP Instructor Certification • Biennial re-certification required • By invitation only to 40 students.

Click to viewCertified instructors receive in-depth training in both USPAP standards and philosophy with its goal to ensure public trust in the appraisal process with professionals. This is accomplished through its declaration of standards, appraiser qualifications, and guidance regarding valuation methods and techniques.

USPAP is the nation’s foremost authority for the valuation (appraisal) profession. It sets congressionally-authorized standards and qualifications for appraisers in different disciplines while providing voluntary guidance on standardized methods and techniques for valuation professionals. These efforts advance the appraisal profession by ensuring that valuations are independent, consistent, and objective.

National Association of Jewelry AppraisersNational Association of Jewelry Appraisers Gemological Institute of AmericaGemological Institute of America American Society of AppraisersAmerican Society of Appraisers Accredited Gemologist AssociationAccredited Gemologist Association Women's Jewelry AssociationWomen's Jewelry Association The Jewellery Valuers AssociationThe Jewellery Valuers Association
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