Gem Appraisals Unlimited LLC offers the widest array of jewelry valuation and consultation for clients in the Southern California, Inland Empire and Desert areas. As an independent jewelry appraiser, Ms. Brossmer has no vested interest in any of the property she examines, so her appraisals are completely objective and always accurate.
Private Individuals may need jewelry appraisals to purchase insurance coverage, for estate or divorce settlement and equitable property distribution. All appraisal reports are researched and documented in detail for valuation or replacement in their appropriate market.
Government & Law Enforcement Agencies often require consultation and valuation for seized property. With her portable gem laboratory, on-site examinations are thorough and accurate.
Other Domestic Reasons Divorce and dissolution of marriages require highly accurate valuation for equitable distribution of property. Estate Planning and Trust Formation or Federal estate tax may require a qualified appraisal report that communicates a credible opinion of Fair Market Value prepared by a qualified appraiser. A professional jewelry appraisal is almost always required when a non-cash charitable donation is made (for purposes of IRS deduction).